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12/04/2003: Criminally Absurd

Bush Signs the "Less Trees Equals Less Fire" Bill, dumbass
from AP

WASHINGTON - More timber and brush can be cut and cleared with less environmental scrutiny under a law President Bush signed Wednesday. He said the initiative will help protect communities from devastating wildfires.

The Healthy Forests Restoration Act is the first major forest management legislation in a quarter-century. It seeks to speed up the harvesting of trees in overgrown woodlands and insect-infested trees on 20 million acres of federal forest land most at risk to wildfires.

It does that by scaling back required environmental studies. Also, it limits appeals and directs judges to act quickly on legal challenges to logging plans.

Your right, we should just pave over the whole damn country. But wait, there would be no money coming in from the loggin industry then... scratch that.

Thursday the 4th of December, rafuzo noted:

It does that by scaling back required environmental studies.

Less environmental studies, ye gads! How will we ever be able to do things like starve fisherman on the Columbia River to save an endangered mud snail? And you know what that means: less environmental "impact studies" means less working class people on unemployment, which means less political ammunition to use against Bush in '04.

Thursday the 4th of December, awiggins noted:

Screw the fishermen! They can work at Wal Mart like everyone else.

Thursday the 4th of December, prof noted:

enviornmental studies are often the only thing that keep homes from floating away in floods that result from poorly planned development. fishing is obsolete. they will be assimilated.