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02/02/2004: That's Entertainment? That's Entertainment?

Seymore Butts To Get Honorary Doctorate In Cold Rockin It
from KC Star

Students at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School tonight will hear from self-made millionaire Adam Glasser, who doesn't have a fancy degree. Glasser, 39, is the L.A.-based adult-filmmaker whose nom de porn is Seymore Butts. He stars in the Showtime reality series Family Business. Tonight's appearance by the New York-raised Glasser, whose talk/Q&A is open only to students, is his first at a university.

Monday the 2nd of February, santo26 noted:

Seymore Butts is one of the only truly talented pornographers working today. His use of the camera as an extension of himself, while not wholly original, makes for some great stuff. He also surrounds himself with women who enjoy sex and are really into the scenes. His best work is the movies he made with Alisha Klass. If I were ever to do a film class about porn, I would include his movies and very little else, as most porn is done by, let's face it kids, meatheads with a DV camera and a roll of cash.