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03/31/2004: Technologica Technologica

I for one, would like to welcome our diminutive dancing Robot Overlords
from Sony

qrio1 (13k image)

Those crazy Japanese, what will they come up with next? First it was Honda's ASIMO. A big, bulky, and ungainly humanoid robot. Now, Sony introduces QRIO, pronounced QRIO. A much smaller and more agile humanoid robot. Both ASIMO and QRIO appear to be test beds for their companies robot development department. Judging by the marked improvement between the two robots in the few months between their unveiling, it will only be a few short years before the subjugation of the human race is complete

Watch here as four of our diminutive Overlords do a hypnotic dance to lull us in to a sense of complacency. (6.68Mb of WMV goodness, and definitely worth the wait.)
[Now with Streaming Goodness!- Ed.]

Friday the 2nd of April, Kent Brockman noted:

I could be helpful in rounding up others.