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04/05/2004: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology

Chernobyl, Eighteen Years Later
Elena's Journey

image11.1 (16k image)

A Russian woman returns to the Chernobyl "Dead Zone" eighteen years after the incident and documents it in this historically significant photo essay.

Monday the 5th of April, santo26 noted:

damn, wiggins, where did you find this? it is super awesome, and a textbook example- perhaps "the" textbook one- of "urban archaeology."

hot russian biker chick zipping around in post- nuclear wasteland? va- va- voom!

Monday the 5th of April, awiggins noted:

I believe that it turned up on BoingBoing a couple of months ago but, at the time, it did not click with me. When it surfaced again today...

Thursday the 8th of April, Rev. Josiah A. Perkins noted:

Holy motherfucking shit! The photos, the writing, and sweet jesus, well, that's it. I'm in love. Fuck this, I'm off to the Ukraine.