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05/12/2005: :: Arcanum

More Secessionist Movements: The State of Jefferson

The State of Jefferson is a secessionist movement that planned/ plans to unite Northern California (including Humboldt County) and Southern Oregon into a new state. The Jefferson state movement began in the early 1940s by area residents who were fed up with the uresponsiveness of their respective state governments to their needs. The movement received serious attention but was put on hold due to World War II. The website was created in 1998 and keeps the idea alive.

Monday the 16th of May, awiggins noted:

It shall join the ranks of other famous secession states such as Petoria, and Joehio.

Wednesday the 18th of May, prof noted:

check your history books. joehio was annexed by Petoria.

Wednesday the 18th of May, athena noted:

Your query for "secession" returned 6 matches.