Urban Archaeology
Looking For A Place To Squat? Try Detroit!
from Yahoo! News
According to this story, Detroit, once a center of America's economic strength, has 12,000 abandoned homes, and "the fleeing businesses and homeowners left behind about 36 square miles (58 square kilometers) of vacant land. That's roughly the size of San Francisco and about a quarter of Detroit's total land mass."
1 Annotation Submitted
Friday the 26th of August, Froman noted:
I thought Detroit was trying to sell itself as a reimerging market! With the all-star game and Superbowl and such marketing ploys, to the rest of the country is was fairly believable. I even have a tenent moving to Detroit for work. There is promise of new jobs and new development. 36 sq miles of abandoned property isnt mentioned in any of that. Sounds like a good place for Neno Brown to set up shop.