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02/08/2006: :: Criminally Absurd

Self Serving #@$%&*!
from CNN

The United States will rely on foreign imports of oil for the foreseeable future to feed its energy needs and should stop trying to become energy independent, a top Exxon Mobil Corp. executive said Tuesday.

"Realistically, it is simply not feasible in any time period relevant to our discussion today," Exxon Mobil Senior Vice President Stuart McGill said, referring to what he called the "misperception" that the United States can achieve energy independence.

Many in the United States believe America should wean itself off oil imports from the Middle East, fearing it makes the country dangerously dependent on an unstable region.

The world's largest publicly traded oil company, however, says hoping to end foreign oil imports is not only a bad idea, but also impossible.

Despicable. "Whole new industries could be born from the efforts to achieve independence from oil. We would not have to waste human lives to invade despotic ass backwards countries. We could reduce the damage that is being done to the environment. But you should ignore all that because how else would I be able to keep getting paid $1,562,500 (2004) a year?"