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12/21/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy

When it comes to Santa, your beliefs are black or white.

This Yahpoo article discusses the demand of a Black Santa at shopping malls. According to 9-year-old Zachary Kimmel, "Everybody knows Santa Claus is white." Children and adults are not only winding up confusing, but feelings are being hurt.

If little Zachary gets a jar of jeri juice and $1 off KFC coupons this year, he'll know which Santa visited him.

Seriously, the civil rights movement forty years ago demanded segregation end, but now separate but equal seems to be back in fashion? Isn't this just like bringing back the old dead issues that the whole PC movement stomped on like a flaming bag of shit? If you've done research, you'd know that Santa most likely had olive skin, because St. Nicholas originated from what's now known today as Turkey. I'd love to visit the mall and drop that bomb over the loudspeaker. Then again, I wouldn't expect most people at malls to be edumikated enough to understand such a truth.

For more on St. Nicholas, have a gander here.