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Entries for June 2004

12/23/2005: :: Nauru - Air Nauru Grounded! from New Straits Times of Malaysia (via a tip from blkdrgn) The Import-Export Bank of the United...
12/20/2005: :: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - A Win for Sanity from CNN "Intelligent design" cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district...
12/19/2005: :: Arcanum - U.S. Subs Violating Canadian Sovereignty; or Canadians Hogging Northwest Passage from " target="_blank">National Post of Canada The Canadians are up...
12/07/2005: :: Nauru - CIA Has Secret Prisons Across the World; What About Nauru??? from" target="_blank">ABC News In the latest leak to rock...
12/05/2005: :: Criminally Absurd - Toxic Spill In China Covered Up; Water Supply For Millions Affected from CBC On Nov. 13, an industrial accident at...
12/01/2005: :: That's Entertainment? - WOOOO! Ric Flair In Road Rage Incident from UPI Professional Wrestler Ric Flair has a hearing scheduled in January on...
12/27/2004: :: Technologica - Booty Seekers Lies, Damn Lies, And Statistics from Athenaeum Technology Working Group Top Athenaeum Search Requests Dec 2004 Listing the...
12/14/2004: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - 10-year-old arrested, handcuffed over scissors from The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA - A 10-year-old girl was placed in handcuffs and taken...
12/10/2004: Technologica Technologica - Fusion: Stepping closer to reality from The Christian Science Monitor Researchers are poised to take the next big step in...
12/07/2004: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Activists Dominate Content Complaints from Mediaweek In an appearance before Congress in February, when the controversy over Janet Jackson's Super...
12/05/2004: Technologica Technologica - We will be able to live to 1,000 from The BBC Life expectancy is increasing in the developed world. But...
12/02/2004: Fraud & Conspiracy - The Arrival Of Secret Law from Secrecy News Last month, Helen Chenoweth-Hage attempted to board a United Airlines flight from...
12/01/2004: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - The Dark Ages Cometh from The San Francisco Chronicle The way they used to teach the origin of the species...
12/31/2003: Urban Archaeology - Lake Hollywood: The Sawin's Pond of Los Angeles? Yesterday crazywriterinla, redniyte, and I went to Lake Hollywood Reservoir, which supplies...
12/31/2003: Nauru Nauru - Kiwi's Cool To Admitting Nauru Refugees from The Dominion Post (Wellington, New Zealand) HUNGER-STRIKING Afghan asylum seekers detained on Nauru...
12/31/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Woman Files $10M Suit Vs. Starbucks Alleges she suffered 'severe burns' from coffee By Jamie Herzlich, Newsday In a case...
12/31/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Report: Pike tolls unfair but necessary from Milford Daily News BOSTON -- To the chagrin of MetroWest lawmakers, a commission...
12/30/2003: Arcanum Arcanum - Century-old math problem may have been solved By Jascha Hoffman, The Boston Globe BERKELEY, Calif. -- A reclusive Russian mathematician...
12/30/2003: Technologica Technologica - Writing an end to the bio of BIOS By John G. Spooner, CNET Intel and Microsoft are gearing up to...
12/30/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Gasp! Syrians Helped Iraq Avoid Sanctions from LA Times A three-month investigation by the Times has found: # A Polish...
12/30/2003: Nauru Nauru - Kiwi's May Intervene In Nauru Crisis from Sydney Morning Herald New Zealand and the United Nations refugee agency were negotiating...
12/30/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Now for Something Completely Different... The Citizens' Association to Blow Up the Moon We are a group of citizens from...
12/29/2003: Technologica Technologica - How to have a national ID card that doesn't threaten civil liberties By Jeffrey Rosen, Wired Bring up the idea...
12/29/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Gerhard Reinke's Wanderlust Saturday, 11:30 PM on Comedy Central This show is ridiculous. Gerhard travels the world in search of...
12/29/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Majoring In Moneyball from Baseball America National Writer John Manuel explains how many of the theories found in "Moneyball" came...
12/29/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - World's Largest Snake Caught from The Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia -- Indonesian villagers claim to have captured a python that...
12/29/2003: Nauru Nauru - UN move rejected by hunger strikers from Courier Mail (AUS) AN OFFER by the United Nations to review the cases...
12/29/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Save Our Industrial Heritage! or, Goodbye El from The elevated Green Line along Causeway Street in front of the...
12/29/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Recycling center or bicycling center? or, Local Conservation Advocate Opens Giant Can of Worms from Watertown Tab The old incinerator...
12/29/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Road to Nowhere or, What To Get Santa26 for The X-mas Gift You Forgot from Milford Daily News Alan Earls...
12/27/2003: Criminally Absurd - Andre The Giant Has a Posse...and a Mug Shot Thanks to The Smoking Gun for providing us all with a...
12/26/2003: Criminally Absurd - Model, 2, Seeks Lost Wages in Mishap from The Associated Press at Yahpoo STAMFORD, Conn. - A 2-year-old model and...
12/26/2003: :: Technologica - The Whispering Wheel By Thijs Westerbeek, Radio Netherlands A new Dutch invention can make cars, busses and other vehicles no...
12/26/2003: Criminally Absurd - Man Beaten in Checkout Line Dispute By Dave Newbart. Chicago Sun-Times Matthew Baures loves Christmas, but he learned the hard...
12/24/2003: Breaking News - Alf is Back and Better Than Ever! The truly pathetic can rejoice: Alf is making another comeback...beyond overpriced collect-calls commercials...
12/24/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - DA refused to release mad cow records By Steve Mitchell United Press International Published 12/23/2003 11:05 PM WASHINGTON, Dec. 23...
12/23/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - The Clinton View of Iraq-al Qaeda Ties by Stephen F. Hayes from the The Weekly Standard . Are Al Quaeda's...
12/23/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Operation Home Run is an Eagle Scout Project by a Boy Scout in Utah. According to his website, he is...
12/22/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - NPR : Andrei Codrescu Commentary: Tiny Ideas Andrei Codrescu "Your liver is evil. Punish it." You'll need an audio player...
12/22/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Carrot or stick: Which nudged Libya? from Christian Science Monitor WASHINGTON- The extraordinary decision by Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi to...
12/22/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - US Saddam claims being challenged from The Age (AUS) Claims that US troops captured Saddam Hussein have been challenged by...
12/22/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - French struggle to play old African role in a new world by MORT ROSENBLUM; AP Special Correspondent In a part...
12/22/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Ice-T Strikes Back Sen. John Edwards' Wife Raps Music Lyrics from Valley (VT) News Elizabeth Edwards, herself an attorney and...
12/21/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - When it comes to Santa, your beliefs are black or white. This Yahpoo article discusses the demand of a Black...
12/21/2003: Criminally Absurd - Jefferson Guilty, But Not Napoleon Says Mock Jury A mock trial overseen by state and federal judges found that Thomas...
12/21/2003: Technologica Technologica - Second Law of Thermodynamics Broken? from BBC One of the most important principles of physics, that disorder, or entropy, always...
12/20/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - Conspiracy Theories Back and Bigger Than Ever? This US Today editorial suggests that conspiracy theories are on the rise and...
12/19/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - War on Terror in Djibouti By CHRIS TOMLINSON, Associated Press Writer DATELINE: CAMP LEMONIER, Djibouti Three high-definition television screens, a...
12/19/2003: Technologica Technologica - Your ISP Doesn't Have To Roll Over On You Anymore or, Appeals court rejects subpoenas to identify music downloaders By...
12/19/2003: Technologica Technologica - Leaving the Mothership Beagle 2 Slips from Mars Express Toward Planet Surface from NPR Beagle 2 leaving Mars Express and...
12/19/2003: Technologica Technologica - Mindblowing Images from the New Spitzer Space Telescope article at RedNova The dusty, star-studded arms of M81, a nearby spiral...
12/19/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Pope: Gibson film accurate portrayal from AP VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope John Paul II has seen "The Passion of...
12/19/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Jamming devices saved president from attack from AP ISLAMABAD -- High-tech jamming devices saved Pakistan's president from an assassination attempt...
12/19/2003: Nauru Nauru - Hunger Strike Continues, Aussies Ponder Citizenship for Nauru from Agence France Presse Australia will send a former immigration minister and...
12/18/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - Pete Rose Reinstated? ESPN baseball writer, sabermetrician and reasoned thinker Rob Neyer has a note on the new Pete Rose...
12/18/2003: Arcanum Arcanum - Replacing an Old Game Cartridge Battery Borrowed liberally from an EGM article Nothing sucks more then going to play one...
12/18/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Microsoft and NY state Double Team Asshat Spammer from AP at Ananova Microsoft and New York's attorney general have filed...
12/18/2003: Technologica Technologica - Linux 2.6 Kernel Released by Peter Sayer, ComputerWorld Version 2.6.0 of the Linux kernel is ready for business. Readers of...
12/18/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Follow Up: Romney eyes fixes for auto insurance from Governor Mitt Romney is developing proposals to overhaul the state's...
12/18/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Two-for-Thursday Global Warming Debate Heats Up Two interesting reads: Global Dimming? from UK Guardian Each year less light reaches the...
12/18/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Romney pushes grants for affordable housing By Steve LeBlanc / Associated Press BOSTON -- As Massachusetts struggles to provide more...
12/18/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Unless you happen to be a Muslim from John Leicester, The Associated Press PARIS -- Despite protests...
12/17/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - 9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable From CBS News . NEW YORK, Dec. 17, 2003 For the first time, the chairman...
12/17/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Bush Doctrine = Zero Tolerance Foreign Policy? dear mr. wiggins, i just had a moment of clarity. by smacking around...
12/17/2003: Technologica Technologica - SpaceShipOne Launches Towards X Prize or, Happy Birthday, Powered Flight from Scaled Composites, LLC SpaceShipOne breaks the sound barrier, December...
12/17/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - PETA targets ‘Nutcracker' kids By David Weber, Boston Herald Animal rights advocates will single out small children at performances of...
12/17/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Nature Rise up to Reclaim Washington, D.C. or Bambi's Big day from AP sources SEAT PLEASANT, Md. -- Startled passengers...
12/17/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Media Acting as Pitchman for the Drug Industry from article by Todd C. Frankel, St. Lois Post-Dispatch Unprecedented demand for...
12/17/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - The Zero Tolerance Follies or Jane! Stop this crazy thing! A 7-year-old boy was suspended from an LA school for...
12/17/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Auto insurance rates rising or, No Shit, Sherlock from Lawrence Eagle Tribune Fraud and an insurance system "badly in need...
12/17/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Looking for Fun and Adventure, and Have a Few Hundred Dollars Laying Around? brought to light by Cervantes If you...
12/17/2003: Technologica Technologica - Van Eck Phreaking or More reasons to be paranoid By Kevin Rose, TechTV Every time you open a new web...
12/17/2003: Urban Archaeology - State OK's Removal of Sagamore Rotary from today's Boston Globe/ : The Sagamore Rotary, long the most grueling hurdle for...
12/17/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Soon, Marketing Will Follow You From the "Year was 1984" department. By Daniel Terdiman, Wired To hear Paco Underhill tell...
12/17/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Iraqi Minister Scolds U.N. for Inaction Regarding Hussein By WARREN HOGE/ New York Times UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 16 - Iraq's...
12/17/2003: Technologica Technologica - Bounty Hunters. We don't need their scum or, Feds may turn to Boba Fett to catch spammers from Daytona Daily...
12/17/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - in the form of a question cnn|money has an interesting story: "Where's the inflation?" Answer: up your ass. Apparently a...
12/16/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Cardinal Says U.S. Treated Saddam 'Like a Cow' By Philip Pullella, Reuters VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A top Vatican official...
12/16/2003: Technologica Technologica - Macs Are Not Invulnerable Or, a tree falling in a particularly remote forest from PC Mag This is a significant...
12/16/2003: Nauru Nauru - Australia's right to detain asylum seekers faces court challenge from Agence France Presse Australia's right to detain unsuccessful asylum seekers...
12/16/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - The 12 'Politically Correct' Days Of Christmas The PC movement is sad.Which makes this funny. On the 12th day of...
12/16/2003: Technologica Technologica - New weapon can shoot around corners From The People That Brought You The Uzi Dept. By LAURIE COPANS - Associated...
12/15/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Saddam Hussein at the vet. If I felt like it, I could come up with at least 10 reasons why...
12/15/2003: Criminally Absurd - Pa. high court refuses to hear case to save Saha family's Chesco farm From AP at Philadelphia Inquirer The Pennsylvania...
12/15/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Obviously, They Weren't Merit Scholars Or, Two MIT students' experiment goes up in flames from Associated Press BOSTON -- Two...
12/15/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - U.S. Regime Change Efforts and Post-Saddam Governance CRS Report to Congress from FAS Project on Government Secrecy "Operation Iraqi Freedom...
12/15/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Cheney Energy Case To Supreme Court from Cable Nutz Network (CNN) "I'm a legitimate business man" exclaims Veep The task...
12/15/2003: Nauru Nauru - Hunger Strike Detainees 'Unconscious' from The Age (Melbourne) Canberra -- A second hunger striker in Nauru has been rushed to...
12/14/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Virginia files felony spam charges By John Borland, CNET News Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore announced Thursday that his office...
12/14/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Swedes Call Shenanigans On WSIS Or, van Eck phreakish from UK Inquirer A report claimed that attendees at last week's...
12/14/2003: Criminally Absurd - Canada to Charge Music Royalties on MP3s By Colin McClelland, Associated Press from The Washington Post TORONTO - The cost...
12/14/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Baghdad celebrates Saddam's capture from CNN IKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- After eluding coalition forces for months and vowing never to...
12/14/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Blowjob for Breakfast Or, I Used To Live Near Here from Houston Press While her husband slept, Robbie McBee turned...
12/12/2003: Technologica Technologica - Phoenix school first to install face scanners From The Arizona Republic A north-central Phoenix school is the first in the...
12/12/2003: Criminally Absurd - MSFT apparently devising new crapware disc format for Xbox from Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing MSFT has a traditional business-model for...
12/12/2003: :: Technologica - Instant Armor from ScienCentral News Component of Armor before and after exposure to a magnetic field. On the battlefield of...
12/12/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - Pentagon calls Shenanigans on Halliburton By Matt Kelley, from Associated Press WASHINGTON - Pentagon auditors found that Vice President Dick...
12/12/2003: Breaking News - Bull Sh*t from Manchester Union Leader RAYMOND [NH]- Police have charged a Manchester man after three of his bulls broke...
12/12/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Google Tracks Packages from Google Google continues to amaze me. They seem to introdue new features on a monthly basis...
12/12/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Who Knew It Would Snow? Or, State plowing budget tapped: Romney asks for federal assistance from AP BOSTON -- Winter...
12/12/2003: Criminally Absurd - Australian Forestry Officials Kill Nation's Largest Tree by Mistake from BBC World Australian forestry officials have admitted to killing the...
12/12/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - New England's Other Famous Irish Family To Return? A little birdie has told me that the tremendous sales of The...
12/11/2003: Technologica Technologica - One More Reason To Use Mozilla Or, Somebody Get This Freakin Duck Away From Me from Slashdot Security researchers confirmed...
12/11/2003: :: Technologica - Scientists Create Sperm From Stem Cells or "The Human Male, Soon to be Obselete" By Rick Callahan, AP Scientists say...
12/11/2003: Technologica Technologica - "Why I Haven't I Leaped Yet?"..."Because She Has To Fall In Love With You" or Advances In Quantum Computing The...
12/11/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - The Picture of Everything by Howard Hallis This is one of the coolest things I have seen, ever. This fellow...
12/11/2003: Nauru Nauru - Sew Your Lips Together For Freedom from Agence France Presse Illegal immigrants on hunger strike to protest their detention by...
12/11/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - South Waltham Represent from Daily News Tribune South Waltham is poor? That's great reporting. Somebody get this guy a Pulitzer...
12/11/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Big Brother Helps Sawin's Pond? from Boston Globe Using a first-in-the-nation aerial surveillance program, state regulators say they have discovered...
12/10/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - 'Twin Peaks' Director Urges $1 Bln for Meditation sent in by alert reader crazywriterinla from Yahpoo By Deborah Zabarenko WASHINGTON...
12/10/2003: Technologica Technologica - Gwobaww Am I the last to know about this? I just changed my Google language preference to Elmer Fudd (see...
12/10/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Follow Up: Waltham Wetlands Ordinance from Daily News Tribune see previous article WALTHAM -- After getting an earful from more...
12/10/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Secretary of Soul And Foreign Minister of Funk from Yah-poo referred by Kilik WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Secretary of State...
12/10/2003: Criminally Absurd - Group warns parents about 'killographic' games from Reuters at CNN "Killogrphic!" Honestly, who comes up with this shit? WASHINGTON (Reuters...
12/10/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - ATF Director to Head Music Industry's Anti-Piracy Efforts from AP by way of Fox News WASHINGTON - The director of...
12/10/2003: Arcanum Arcanum - In The Long Run, We Are All In The Red from J. Bradford DeLong, Department of Economics, U.C. Berkeley Estimating...
12/10/2003: Criminally Absurd - Vermont To Strike Out On Its Own? from NC Buy CHARLOTTE, Vt. (Wireless Flash) -- Vermont may soon vamoose from...
12/10/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - 1024% Extreme Hardware at DigitalDataPorn Warning: This site contains graphic images of extreme computer hardware! You must be a complete...
12/10/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Video Games Really Do Cause Violence from the Daily News Tribune Video game used in assault on mother NEWTON -...
12/10/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Myths and Facts About Iraq's Aluminum Tubes from FAS Project on Government Secrecy The discovery three years ago that Iraq...
12/09/2003: Urban Archaeology - Let's Go To Uranium City! Uranium City is a nearly abandoned city in Saskatchewan province in Canada near Lake Athabasca...
12/09/2003: :: Technologica - Nanaotechnology to Make Space Elevator Concept a Reality To get into low Earth orbit, the space shuttle burns approximately 4...
12/09/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - The 'Conspiracy' Art of Mark Lombardi from NPR A few weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, an FBI agent...
12/09/2003: Technologica Technologica - From The Sun-Mart-Wal-Java Dept. shamelessy reposted from Slashdot "According to an EWeek article, Sun is challenging Microsoft on a new...
12/09/2003: Criminally Absurd - Jet Lag, How Boeing blew it By Douglas Gantenbein, Slate What explains Boeing's fate? In a word: greed. Or rather...
12/09/2003: :: Technologica - IBM to Announce Micro-Chip Breakthrough By Jeffrey Burt, eWeek IBM Corp. researchers say they have made a breakthrough in chip...
12/08/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - "Rings" director wants to film "Hobbit" By Emma Thomasson, Reuters Speaking to journalists in Berlin ahead of the European premiere...
12/08/2003: Technologica Technologica - Just Like Your Mom, Mah Bell Is Old & Busted from MobileMag MCI and Time Warner Cable Partner to Deliver...
12/08/2003: Arcanum - People Forget When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands...
12/08/2003: Technologica Technologica - When the killer robots seize power, we'll all know who to thank, or Skynet mark I The Reg is reporting...
12/08/2003: Arcanum Arcanum - Save Your Texas Dollars... from Houston Chronicle ... Overton [in east Texas] has been home to the Republic of Texas...
12/08/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - China: The Other Red Menace, or Mr. Wen Goes to Washington from Christian Science Monitor ...with Taiwan scheduling a controversial...
12/08/2003: Nauru Nauru - Sen. Kerry Blasts Bush on...Nauru? from Council on Foreign Relations I wrote the international anti-money laundering legislation that is now...
12/08/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - The Eskimo Nebula from Hubble from NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day In 1787, astronomer William Herschel discovered the Eskimo...
12/08/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Coalition of Concerned Asshats from Daily News Tribune A campaign group formed to defeat the Question 1 ballot initiative in...
12/07/2003: Criminally Absurd - Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike From CNN 12/16/98 "Let me close by addressing one other issue. Saddam Hussein and...
12/06/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Founder of Internet Casinos Plans to Establish the World's First Publicly Traded Marijuana Company. By Charles Mandel, Wired Online gambling...
12/06/2003: Criminally Absurd - The snow plow guy...
12/05/2003: Criminally Absurd - Bossier School Board upholds Advil expulsion from The Shreveport Times A student expelled from Parkway High for a year for...
12/05/2003: Arcanum - The Astrolabe from A Mariner's Astrolabe, designed for navigation. The astrolabe is a very ancient astronomical computer for solving...
12/05/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - 40 steel drums pulled from country club lake from Berkshire Eagle PITTSFIELD -- The Country Club of Pittsfield has finished...
12/05/2003: Technologica Technologica - Fly Me To L1 from NY Times [registration required] (cue Handel's Messisah). Finally, rational thinking. Click [More] to read Buzz...
12/05/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - 'Trampled' Wal-Mart Shopper Has History Of Injury Claims from WKMG, Florida Patricia Vanlester, 41, was knocked unconscious and, her sister...
12/05/2003: :: Technologica - Follow Up: When Cash is Only Skin Deep from AP by way of RedNova "The standard location of the microchip...
12/05/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - SomethingAwful's Photoshop Phriday strikes again. This week's theme: medieval tapestries with modern themes...
12/05/2003: :: Technologica - Sounds from my Childhood Speak & Spell lives. I wish I could use that same startup sound on my powerbook...
12/05/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Let's Stop Affordable Housing Right Now! from Waltham News Tribune WALTHAM -- Pro-development forces have undertaken a last-ditch lobbying effort...
12/05/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Miserable Failure pointed out at Fark This is priceless. Go to Google and type in "miserable failure" then hit the...
12/05/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Dam it Beavis from Waltham News Tribune Fish trying to swim up the Charles River to spawn may be able...
12/04/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - Or, perhaps, anti-fraud & conspiracy, or TANSTAAFL Bryan Caplan makes a compelling argument that Mises and Bastiat were right: contrary...
12/04/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Man of Steel referred by crazywriterinla from Yahoo Facing the threat of a trade war, President Bush on Thursday lifted...
12/04/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy - From the other-side-of-the-coin dept.: The check's in the mail I knew filling out a random online form in college would...
12/04/2003: Criminally Absurd - Bush Signs the "Less Trees Equals Less Fire" Bill, dumbass from AP WASHINGTON - More timber and brush can be...
12/04/2003: Stuff That Does't Suck Stuff That Doesn't Suck - What's That Smell? from Brattleboro (VT) Reformer WEST CHESTERFIELD, N.H. -- Fleming Oil's Shell station on Route 9 has become...
12/04/2003: Criminally Absurd - I am calling Shenanigans on the RIAA article from AP at RedNova WASHINGTON (AP) -- The recording industry has filed...
12/04/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - Brain Drain from Milford Daily News A report released yesterday by MassINC, a nonpartisan research group, found that native-born Massachusetts...
12/03/2003: Technologica Technologica - Confessions of a SOMAD Inspired by A.L.I.C.E. , the athenaverse is now home to [athena]. She will answer your questions...
12/03/2003: Criminally Absurd - The PC Police are at it again from Reuters Groups Sue to Change Name of 'Jap Road' DALLAS (Reuters) ...
12/03/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - Lesbians from Progressive Boink Two "friends" rate the best on-screen lesbian kisses. Sweeet! My only question. Why did no one...
12/03/2003: Criminally Absurd - Follow Up: Anti-Snob Zoning from prof_booty My friend, Bleepert, chimes in on affordable housing in New England: so how do...
12/03/2003: Arcanum - Da Vinci's Flyer Comes to Life from The Discovery Channel A flying machine sketched by Leonardo da Vinci 500 years...
12/03/2003: Nauru Nauru - Here is an article from GoAsia Pacific called "Asylum seekers returned to Iraq and Afghanistan." Talk about a diplomatic debacle...
12/03/2003: Breaking News - is reporting that the opening of the southbound I-93 tunnel through Boston, and effective completion of the construction phase...
12/03/2003: Technologica Technologica - Nanotechnology: Are Molecular Assemblers Possible? stolen from Slashdot Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @09:42AM from the anything-you-set-your-mind-to dept...
12/03/2003: Criminally Absurd Criminally Absurd - Nader's Raiders WASHINGTON (AP) - Ralph Nader has not yet decided whether to make another run for the White House...
12/02/2003: Criminally Absurd - Desperate to be categorized? Desperate to not be categorized, but secretly fear that you have been? Completely baffled by young...
12/02/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Vast X-Wing Conspiracy from MSNBC CAMBRIDGE -- If elected president, Howard Dean vows to "break up giant media enterprises" out...
12/02/2003: Breaking News Breaking News - Anti-Snob Zoning from prof_booty The debate over affordable housing is growing in the Commonwealth, and open space and housing advocates...
12/02/2003: Nauru Nauru - The Nauru Solution from The Australian "Nauru needs sensible financial management, not aid, to emerge from a mess of its...
12/02/2003: Criminally Absurd - Get out your Checkbook, We owe North Korea 43 Trillion Dollars from Korean News (DPRK) The total amount of human...
12/02/2003: :: Technologica - MIT, Bringing Us One Step Closer to having a Chip in Our Brains from AP by way of CBS (AP...
12/02/2003: Urban Archaeology Urban Archaeology - NERAIL A view from the cab courtesy of Cabinboy of an inbound MBTA Commuter Rail train from Reading going into...
12/01/2003: :: Technologica - Daughter of Eliza I went to the Museum of Science yesterday with my girlfriend, and predictably spent all my time...
12/01/2003: Breaking News - United Nations Shooting from AP by way of ABC, Toledo UNITED NATIONS (AP) - A U.N. security guard was found...
12/01/2003: :: Technologica - Optimus Prime's Ancestors Traced To New Hampshire Here is an article from the Associated Press entitled "U.S. considers turning scooters...
12/01/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - Personal Info Database Raises Privacy Concerns from NPR Over the past six years, Georgia-based database firm Choicepoint has amassed information...
12/01/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - SIBNEFT SUSPENDS MERGER WITH YUKOS from Control Risks Group [subscription required] Oil company Sibneft on 28 November announced that its...
12/01/2003: Stuff That Doesn't Suck - by Farker , Johnny Golgotha...
12/01/2003: Fraud & Conspiracy Fraud & Conspiracy - State closer to being able to locate cell phone calls from Foster's Daily Democrat . [NH] State officials have moved...

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